Levels of attention

Futuresphere's attention will be on issues at multiple levels; examples of the questions we will address are:

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personal, people

firms and organisations 

Issues at the personal level >
How are people, individually and as communities, responding to changing technologies in their lives? How will people's mental and physical health be altered by changing technologies in terms of clinical intervention and in terms of the impact of changing technologies on their lives? How is technology impacting people's consumption of the arts?

Issues at organisational level >
How are firms' governance and management changing as a result of new technologies? What does changing technology imply about the role and objectives of firms? What will firms do differently as result of new technologies? How can we ensure that innovation benefits innovators and other constituents openly and fairly?

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Issues at market level >
What new markets will technologies create? Which markets will become obsolete? How will firms respond to new technological opportunities? How will new markets impact people's lives? How will ensure that markets serve people rather than that people serve markets? How will we ensure markets allocate resources efficiently both domestically and internationally? How will we avoid excessive volatility of markets? How will we ensure the benefits of open markets are available to more people on the planet? What will that mean for trade and other regulation of markets? How do our current definitions of or rules for markets for capital, goods and services need to change to reflect new technologies or realities emerging from those technologies?

Issues at economy level >
How will new technologies and markets impact the structure of the economy? How will demographic changes impacts economies? How will people's roles as savers, investors and consumers change or need to change in response to the changing technologies and forms of organisation? How will we sustain growth in a resource-constrained world? What will happen to income inequalities and what are the implications of shifts in wealth within and across societies?

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Issues at society level >
How will technologies impact what we mean by society – locally, nationally or internationally? How will society and societies be altered by changing technologies and how those technologies are accessed and used? How will socialisation alter and what will that mean for communities and for people's sense of community; how will social organisation change? How will changing technologies and demographies alter how we care for the young and the old?

Issues at government level >
Will technologies alter what we need governments for? Will technologies alter what governments can and should do? Will technologies alter our relationships with government and the political process? Will technologies and citizens' demand alter how governments raise revenues and to what they apply those revenues? Will governments continue to be able to run sustained deficits? What will changes to technology and access to information mean for regimes' legitimacy and how they response to citizens' demands for political and human rights? How will citizens be protected from governments' use or misuse of technologies?



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Issues at world level >
How will changing demographies and technologies impact the scarcity of resources facing countries and how they compete for and secure resources? What will changes to society and government mean for how countries relate to each other, identify and solve disputes? What will changes to human mobility and other technologies mean for how countries protect themselves from threats? How will we balance human needs in less developed countries with liberties and openness of governments and markets? How will we ensure that the benefits to the world of the Enlightenment and the technology it has created continue to be recognised and to improve the lives of citizens globally? What are appropriate rules for and limits to intervention in other states' affairs to secure peace and stability for a state's own citizens or others' freedom from tyranny?

Issues at planet level >
How will we ensure that we create a sustainable world that both meets people's needs and expectations economically and socially and reduces our degradation of the planet on which we live and depend?